Maximize Your Home Buying Success: 5 Essential Reasons to Prioritize Monthly Mortgage Payments Over Interest Rates

Tuesday Jan 2nd, 2024


Navigating the world of real estate as a first-time homebuyer can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the financial aspects of purchasing a property. A common dilemma many face is whether to focus on securing the lowest interest rate or prioritize the affordability of monthly mortgage payments. Here, we delve into five compelling reasons first-time homebuyers should concentrate more on the latter. 1. Budget Management Understanding Your Financial Comfort... [read more]

For A First Time Home Buyer: The Struggle is Real

Tuesday Sep 5th, 2017


Although the idea of buying your first home is exciting, the reality can be another thing altogether. Whatever age you are as a first home buyer, the struggle is real. When it comes to saving for a down payment and closing cost, finding the property you want within your budget and being able to pay the mortgage, our brains go into struggle mode. Don’t give up just because it seems hard. It is possible and if you follow these tips and stay committed to your goals, you too can become a... [read more]

Rehab - Renew: How To Buy A Home With A Renovation Loan

Tuesday Oct 10th, 2017


  Welcome to Mortgage Mondays.   A couple of weeks ago I posted that you could ask me me mortgage questions and I would write a post to answer your question. Although I know there has to be many people out there with questions only one person responded to the post with a question. Here’s what she asked as well as my answer and a ton of information on the topic. The Question I have found a house, but it needs some repairs and the seller won’t be doing any... [read more]

It's Almost Tax Time - Turn Your Tax Refund Into A Down Payment

Wednesday Oct 18th, 2017


I spoke with 2 clients this week and another 2 or so in the week past. They all had the desire to purchase  homes in the immediate future. All were otherwise qualified, but lacked the funds for a down payment. They did not meet the criteria to obtain down payment assistance. Obtaining the funds from their 401K, borrowing against the cash value on an insurance policy, or obtaining a gift from a family member were also not options. During these conversations the potential buyers became... [read more]

Yes - A Real Estate Contract Is A Legal and Binding Contract

Wednesday Oct 25th, 2017


Recently, I’ve been surprised at the number of buyers who do not seem to understand that a real estate contract is a legal and binding contract the same as any other contract. Some buyers seem to think that it’s like shopping for a pair of shoes they see some other shoes they want so they just return the pair they previously purchased and obtain a refund. Still, other buyers think it’s okay to go under contract and cancel during the inspection period because they see another... [read more]



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